Disneyland might be the “Happiest Place on Earth,” but there’s a decent chance if you encounter some of these shoddy Disney products, you won’t be feeling too thrilled.
I’m sure Disney is very careful about who they license their characters to, but mistakes happen, and often these products are the result of knock-off artists who are just looking to make a quick buck.
The good news is: just because they’re terrible doesn’t mean they’re not funny. As an adult, I am enjoying these weird and possibly twisted toys way more than I would a well-made original.
This Tinkerbell’s got quite a mouth on her.
I mean that literally. One look at her and you just know she’s the type of person that spits when she speaks.
Starring Justin Bieber as Belle!
If that’s not him, I’d be even more embarrassed, because that means someone thinks that looks like Belle.
There’s nothing wrong with a transgender version of a Disney character…
…but at least put the same likeness on the box.
Uh, face the other way, there, Donald.
It looks like that kid just interrupted Donald’s sit-up regimen. (And that’s the very G-rated, Disney-friendly interpretation.)
Read more: http://twentytwowords.com/
The post 15 Disney Product Fails That Are Way More Creepy Than Cute appeared first on MouseVirals.com - Everything Disney.
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